Book Club 4 meeting 16/04/20

Book Club 4 meeting 16/04/20

Book Club 4 had their first virtual meeting on 16th April where we discussed two books; the unmaking of Ellie Rook by Sandra Ireland, and the Aosawa Murders by Riku Onda. Eight of the group managed to make it online and managed, with the help of hand signals, to have a good conversation about both books.

The Unmaking of Ellie Rook was up first. All agreed that it was good to read a book which was set in an area not far away (Aberdeenshire) and that had added to their enjoyment. Different members identified with different characters in the book, which was interesting. One commented that it reminded them of a modern-day Daphne du Maurier novel. Overall, the book got a thumbs up with a score of 3/5.

The Aosawa Murders is a real whodunnit set in Japan. With the exception of one, this book scored either 3 or 4 (one even giving it a 4.5) out of 5.  One person suggested that it is a little more difficult to visualise the characters in your mind when their names are unfamiliar. Those that really enjoyed it said that they had to read it all in one go over a couple of days. “I really, really loved it as a book”. Overall score 3/5

Thanks so much to everyone who managed to take part and thank you all for your continuing support to the Bookhouse. Keep Well. Keep safe. Keep reading. See you all again soon. Any questions about accessing the virtual book clubs or any other query please don't hesitate to get in touch.

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